Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oh, You Thought ______ Would Be Easy?


  • difficult to bear or endure
  • demanding the exertion of energy
  • calling for stamina and endurance
  • difficult to accomplish or resolve

I didn't think training for a half marathon would be easy....I just didn't think it would be that hard.

I didn't think starting a business would be easy...I just didn't think it would be that hard.

I didn't think getting my Master's Degree a couple of years ago would be easy...I just didn't think it would be that hard.

I didn't think my four weeks at Fitness Ridge would be easy...I just didn't think it would be that hard.

I could probably go on and on with a list of things I've done or am doing that I didn't think would be easy...but had no idea it would be that hard.

But hard does not mean impossible. It's simply means that it will take effort, dedication, an unyielding commitment to get to the finish line, and a constant reminder of how you will feel, what life will be like, and what you will gain from actually doing what it is you said you would do. When you find yourself faltering, second guessing, or wanting to give up, all you have to do is take a deep breath (literally), recommit, suck it up, and get it done!

Training for a half-marathon? Hard.
I'm running more and longer than I've EVER done. I'm dealing with knees that would cuss me out if they could talk. I keep hoping that it will stop raining because I'd rather run outside than on a treadmill. And of course, I have the repeated nightmare of not finishing the race in time and getting scooped up by the dreaded bus!!!!

BUT, I'm committed and prepared to suck it up, do what I need to do and get it done.

How? I've rearranged my schedule to get my runs in. I bought a few new workout pieces (it helps to look good when you're grunting and breathing hard). And I have found an unwavering support group. I'd like to introduce them to you - Jay-Z, Beyonce, and Kirk Franklin. Thanks to The Black Album(Jay-Z), I Am...Sasha Fierce(Beyonce) and praise and worship with a hip-hop flair (Kirk Franklin The Fight of My Life) on my iPod, putting one foot in front of the other is a little bit easier.

And starting a business?
No question it's hard. Everyday I ask myself - do I really want to keep doing this???

But I'm committed and am prepared to suck it up, do what I need to do and get it done.

How? By remembering that what I do helps people succeed in the goals they have set for themselves. That I help people tap into their passion and purpose and move forward in living a life that gives them fulfillment. And that I really love what I do and couldn't imagine doing anything else.

But there are the bad days - not getting a client I really wanted to work with, having a proposal turned down, or not being selected to speak at an event. However, those days are followed by ones where I get the new client, win the proposal and am selected to speak.

And getting a Master's Degree? H-A-R-D!
My commute to class form my job was 90 minutes (in terrible Washington, DC rush hour traffic). I was also completing my coaching training program and I had several books due to my publisher over the course of the three year program. But what did I do?

I stayed committed, sucked it up, did what I needed to do and got it done.

And Fitness Ridge? Hard would not even begin to describe my 4 weeks there.
Going to Utah was THE most physically challenging thing I have ever done in my life. My body did things I never thought possible - 2 hour hikes, followed by another 4 hours of exercise, and consuming 1,200 calories of healthy meals a day. But through the body aches, the hunger pains (which actually subsided after the first week), and the desert heat, you know what I did?

You guessed it...I stayed committed, sucked it up, did what I needed to do and got it done.

What about you?

As you can see, I left a "blank" in the title. That's just for you. What can you put in that space? What's hard for you right now? Is it your marriage, your job, losing weight, finishing that degree, getting out of debt, or starting your own business?

Whatever it is - now might be the time to recommit, suck it up, do what you need to do and get it done.

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