Sunday, July 26, 2009
Work/Life Balance? Yea...Right.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Will They Hire Me?
With unemployment at its highest in decades, the job market is tough and competitive. Candidates are looking for that “edge”. That “thing” to set them apart from the other applicants. The key is to remember that even in this world of "business casual", the good old fashion rules still apply.
If the job description or ad mentions a specific skill or knowledge area, the cover letter is the perfect place to speak to what they are looking for.
Many people put “references provided upon request”. Why? If the CEO will brag on you, why not put it out there. If your former boss is willing to speak with a potential employer, let them know upfront. Providing your references gives a sneak peek into your professional circle – and lets the hiring manager know that you’ve got some credible people that will vouch for you. By the way – they should always be PROFESSIONAL references. No one wants to talk to your high school piano teacher no matter how sweet she is!
Tip #3: Know the Company
In a world with Google, there is no reason why you can’t tell your interviewer how you can specifically help them reach their mission (which means you should know their mission). Did the company recently win an award? Develop a new product? Have their most successful annual meeting? Layoff 1/3 of their workforce and are now moving in a new direction? Whatever the case may be, let them know that you already see yourself a part of the organization. When they ask you - "What do you know about us?" Make sure you can answer!
Tip #4: Tell Them You Want the Job
I was always amazed at the number of people I interviewed that never told me “This is the job I want.” Hearing those words with enthusiasm and passion at the end of an interview always lingered with me and I tended to remember those candidates the most. Don't let them think this is one interview in a long line of interviews. Make sure they understand why you would be an asset and that you can't wait to be a part of their team.
Tip #5: Send a Thank You Letter
Email is nice and quick – but could get lost in the shuffle, or worst yet, forwarded to HR without a glance. But a handwritten note can go a long way. In this world of junk mail, it’s quite refreshing for a manager to get “real” mail. Plus, the thank you note gives you one last chance to talk about why you’re the perfect fit for the job.
Now, there’s also some things you shouldn’t do! I found this list of The 25 Worst Job Interview Mistakes. And, yes, I know it seems like common sense, but you’d be surprised how many people still make these mistakes (I've witnessed many of them over the years!).
1. Arriving Late
3. Dressing Wrong
4. Dressing In a Rush
5. Smoking
6. Drinking
7. Chewing Gum
9. Not Doing All Your Homework
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Raising a Generation of Obesity
Most restaurants are interested in things looking good and tasting good - not being good for you. Have you any idea how much salt, fat and sugar goes on your plate. How much stuff is injected in your food before it gets to the restaurant where the "chef" (ha ha) dumps it in a fryer of grease?
The food industry counts on you looking for convenience, a good deal, or a dining "experience". They also count on you becoming "addicted" to the taste of salt, fat and sugar - that's what keeps you coming back.
I will be the first to admit that it's not easy!!! Being educated is not enough. Knowledge is not power. Applied knowledge is power. We have to take what we know about nutrition and exercise and apply it to our everyday lives.
Don't let "them" control you, or your family's, health.
Membership Has Its Privileges
Working with a life coach one-on-one is a great way to gain focus, take action, and be accountable for establishing professional and personal goals and then designing a plan to achieve them. However, for a variety of reasons, individual coaching is not always an option. That’s why I founded
Whether you are looking for tips, strategies, insight, and information about your career, finances, relationships, or starting your own business, is a great source of information from a variety of coaches and experts.
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- They are feeling compelled to make real change in their life. They want something more...something different in their finances, relationships, career or health.
- They feel that they are not meeting their full potential and are missing out on all that life has to offer. They have untapped talents and gifts that they want to fully utilize.
- They have let excuses get in the way of their success. Not enough time, too much debt, not enough money, too busy, no support.
- They have allowed fear to become a driving force - stopping them from moving forward. They are filled with doubt, low self-confidence, and procrastination.
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Overcoming Underearning: 5 Week Teleclass
Get RADICAL - At Work and in Life: 4 Week Teleclass
"You Want a Piece of Me?": Managing Conflict in the Workplace Webinar
"You Want Me to Do What?": Creating High Performers Webinar
12-Week Self Study Coaching Program
Monday, July 6, 2009
Why Ignorance is Bliss
I even got some great advice from Giancarlos, Jillian Michaels business partner, when I met with them the night before my conference earlier this year. He gave me a strategy that I plan to use (I’ll let you know what his strategy is AFTER the race – just in case it doesn’t work!).
But things changed yesterday when I went to one of my favorite places - the bookstore. I decided to pick up a couple of running magazines and began reading some of the articles around half marathons, marathons and training. PR, hydration plan, nutrition program, runner’s gait, anaerobic training, sweat rate, biomechanics, compression socks? What the heck are these people talking about????
The more I read, the more I began to panic. All I’ve been doing is running (and not that consistently at times!). Is that not enough? Am I missing something? Am I setting myself up for failure? Finally, I had to put the magazines down, take a deep breath, and just go to sleep.
But now that a new day has dawned, I’ve revisited those magazines in a much calmer state. No goal is ever accomplished in a vacuum. I should have picked up resources on running months ago. But now that I have, I’ve learned some information from these magazines that has been both helpful in preparing me and motivating me.
August 2nd is just a few short weeks away!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
When Your Freedom Is Snatched
In 2009 alone, they have exonerated 13 people who spent a total of 261 years behind bars for crimes they didn't commit. The shortest exoneree serving 6 years and the longest being 30. Can you imagine having your freedom snatched from you - even for only one day?
• The average length of time served by exonerees is 12 years. The total number of years served is approximately 2,982.
• The average age of exonerees at the time of their wrongful convictions was 26.
• The true suspects and/or perpetrators have been identified in 104 of the DNA exoneration cases.
Races of the 240 exonerees:
142 African Americans
70 Caucasians
21 Latinos
2 Asian American
5 whose race is unknown