Thursday, May 14, 2009

Your Bad Management Is Not A Secret

During my career in human resources, I've had the chance to work with some exceptional leaders and managers. I've also had the pleasure (or displeasure) of working with managers and leaders who were NOT very good. The interesting thing about most bad managers is that they think they fall into the category of exceptional.

So, how do you know if you are a bad manager? Take my quiz and find out!

1. Do you have poor performers that work for you and you haven't done anything about it?
2. Are you afraid to confront some of your employees because you don't like conflict?
3. Do you avoid difficult conversations about salary, performance, projects and deadlines?
4. Do you ignore problems between your staff or between staff and customers/clients?
5. Have you received feedback about your poor management skills and ignored it or explained it away?
6. Do you avoid asking for feedback on your management skills because you fear the results?
7. Are the only times your employees get feedback during the annual evaluation or when something is wrong?
8. Do you keep employees you should fire?
9. Do you tell your employees "HR made me do it?" (Making HR the enemy instead of taking responsibility for your own team/department and presenting a unified front with HR?)
10. Do you tell your employees "HR made me do it?" (Making HR the enemy instead of taking responsibility for your own team/department and presenting a unified front with HR?)
11. Do you tell your employees "HR made me do it?" (Making HR the enemy instead of taking responsibility for your own team/department and presenting a unified front with HR?)
12. Do you try to be your staff's friend instead of their manager?
13. Would your employees say you "play favorites" and know they can't say anything negative about that person because you'll protect them.
14. Does your HR department roll their eyes every time you come their way?
15. Are you too passive - letting people roll over you and your staff?
16. Are you too assertive - you have to be right, even when you're wrong?
17 . Do you think you're exceptional but have no proof?

Okay, I'll just stop there!

If you answered yes to at least one of these questions - get help immediately! We, in the HR field, would like to invite you to finally face your shortcomings. It's okay. We understand. We know you are a great person that just needs to brush up on your management techniques. We would love to coach you to becoming a stronger, effective, more efficient manager that will create an environment where your employees can thrive!

Now, believe me, I know that not all HR departments are created equal - they can be ineffective, inefficient and can answer yes to just as many of my questions as a bad manager (but more on that in my next blog!) So, if that's the case - get a coach. Someone who has the experience, education, and the boldness to honestly assess your skills and help you develop them. Someone like...let me see...who could I recommend...oh, yea - me!

You know why you should take me up on this offer? Because...your bad management is not a secret!
  • Everyone knows about the employee you have yet to fire.
  • Everyone knows about the employee that's not carrying their weight.
  • Everyone knows about the employee that you are afraid of.
  • Everyone knows about the employee that is protected because they are your friend.
  • Everyone knows that you don't know what you're doing and pretending that you do.
  • Everyone is wondering how you became a manager in the first place.
Not only do they know it, but they talk about it among themselves.

So take it from me...someone who has worked with lots of bad managers. Get it together. Because your bad management is not a secret!

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